hiya everyone

plz plz plz read this whole post!!

it has some imprtant stuff in it!

FreeWebkinz Tile Towers

I play tile towers and cash cow on my phone! Pretty mindless games and easy to watch tv and move your fingers at the same time 😂. Webkinz is a browser game that. Sep 01, 2012 If you like a game that requires thinking, strategy, and matching, you’re going to LOVE Tile Towers in the Webkinz World Arcade. In Tile Towers, the object of the game is to match two tiles. Click on them when you match them to clear them from the board. Be sure the tiles don’t have another tile on top of them, and make sure they’re not.

sry i havent been posting

homework 😦

any ways

i love the new thanksgiving backround!!! its awesome!!!

as you all know there is the charcoal cat it the backround…yay!!

but then i saw THIS

that is no cheeky monkey or regualer monkey!!!!
it is posibly…the webkinz chimpanzee!!!!

other newz…

while playing tile towers an idea poped in to my mind….

as any one who plays tile towers knows, they have the cheeky dog, gold and white cat, and some other retired webkinz, but there are other animals too!

there is the rabbit, chihuahua, cocker spaniel, lion, golden retriever, black bear, pig, tiger, and the monkey. the cocker spaniel, lion, pig and a few others are sed to be retiring soon. and the chihuahua was the FIRST webkinz made not to have stringy hair….so that isea that poped in to my mind….MAYBE THE ANIMALS ON TILE TOWERS ARE THE NEXT TO RETIRE!!!i may not be true so dont go out and start buying all of htese webkinz cuz this is just what i think…wait untilll alot of news is going around that an animal is about ot retire untill you get frantic…ok?but if i had to guess the order of the next webkinz to retire it would be…


Moo Shu Tiles Games

cocker spaniel


black and white cat

golden retriever

(depending on when these retire depends on where the blck bear would be, becuz after an animal is potm (pet of the month) it is going to retire) so black bear is sum where in here

Moo shu tiles games



Middlesex south registry of deeds


and a rumor, which means it may be true or may not be true, is going around that i have heard 4 times that they are re-introducing the cheekies!!! becuase of all the craze for them…i went web searching for the cheekies and this is what i found

Webkinz Tile Towers Trophy

cheeky dog::



cheeky cat::



Play Webkinz Tile Towers Free

i think that is ridiculous

and i love them too

if you read this whole post, thank you.

Webkinz Tile Tower Free

i know it is long

Hayley on atomicolicious.com found an interesting glitch!

Tile Towers Webkinz

on todays activities you can type whatever you want underneat the ad!!


o i almost forgot!!

i got the reindeer the seal and the yellow lab from choccolage!!!

im still looking for the brown araibian!!



The Wish Factory is a fairly recent adition to Webkinz World. Basically, there are things called Wish Tokens. Gold coins with W's on them. Once ten of these have been collected, you can go to the Wish Factory to insert your coins and make a 'wish' when you will recieve an exclusive item. Sounds great, right? But is this too good to be true?
How do you get a wish token in the first place? Well, every so often, on the list of daily events there will be an activity called The Wheel of Wishes. You can spin a Wheel that's just like The Wheel of Wow except you can win money, random clothing items and wish tokens. But is it really that likely that you will accually recieve a token? I've only gotten three from several spins. The only other way to get a token is on your birthday, that is if you go on Webkinz that day.
But that's not all there is to the Wish Factory. If you think that ten tokens can get you any exclusive item you want, guess again! Earning ten tokens is hard enough, try getting more! Some exclusive items are 12 tokens, some 15! A good strategey is to collect tokens whenever possible, but don't go out of your way to get them because it sure is hard! Try not to get stressed over this. I don't know anyone who has gotten all ten, but over time, I'm sure it's possible!