MathType is not an Apple product, and its vendor did not make the product available for macOS Catalina, or Big Sur. You should check with the vendor site for any Big Sur product planning. MathType was updated for MS-Word, Word for iPad, and there is an online version of MathType that works with Google Docs. There is no indication of any MathType product for macOS, and if your heart is set in using MathType, then consider Google Docs, or MS Word.


MathType is the Professional Version of Equation Editor If you are familiar with the Equation Editor included in Microsoft Office and other products (it’s made by Design Science and is a stripped-down version of MathType), then you will really appreciate the many extra features you get with MathType itself. MathType for Office Tools is compatible with macOS versions up to Mojave 10.14. It is not compatible with 64-bit versions such as macOS Catalina or Big Sur. Our team is working exhaustively to release a new MathType compatible with the latest MacOS, by August 2021.

Mathtype 8 Mac Os Catalina

Mathtype Catalina

Pages has a built-in equation editor that is a TeX/LaTeX and MathML translator. It is not sitting on top of a MacTeX 2020 distribution, and has limitations as pointed out in the Apple article. This article makes reference to MathType from a timeframe when MathType was actively developed for macOS by its former owner Design Science.


Mathtype 6 Catalina

Nov 23, 2020 2:49 AM