Backyard Football (1999)
Basic Information
Video Game
GT Interactive
Microsoft Windows and Macintosh
North American Release Date(s)
Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes
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GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

Backyard Football is a football video game released by Humongous Entertainment in 1999. The game was the third Humongous Sports game released by Humongous Entertainment, preceded by Backyard Soccer and Backyard Baseball. It is the first of all of the Backyard Sports series to consist of the Backyard kids and professional players as kids.

Backyard Football is the first installment of the Backyard Football series of games in the collection of Backyard Sports games. The game was introduced in 1999 for both Macintosh computers and Windows. This Wikia hopes to provide the best knowledge and information on the original bestselling game, Backyard Football 1999. Backyard Football is a fun online Game Boy Advance game that you can play here on Games HAHA. If you enjoyed this game and want to play similar fun games then make sure to play Backyard Heroes, Backyard Baseball or Backyard Battle: Tom and Jerry or just go to the Game Boy Advance games page.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

They're 3 types of gameplay available in Backyard football. The first one is a single game. A player picks the field they wish to play on, the weather type, those being sunny (the players run very fast on this terrain) rainy (the players run at a normal speed and the ball is very hard to throw) and snowy (players are slow). They then pick the difficuly between Easy, medium, or hard, and decide on weather they want the auto or manuel kick on. They then pick their team name, which is all of the current NFL teams, and 10 backyard teams. They then take turns picking players with the CPU. There are a total of 7 players on a team, two will sit out for a play, while 5 get to see action. The stats of a player for a single game have no effect on a players season stats.

The second type of gameplay is season mode. The player picks their home field, settings, and team before the season. They then are allowed to pick all seven of their players before the CPU can pick any for the rest of the league. They then guide their team through a 14 game season, and if they are to win their division or be picked as the wild card, the team has a chance to compete in the playoffs. 8 teams compete to make it to the finals for a chance to win the 'Super Colossal Cerial Bowl.'

The Third type of gameplay is online play. Backyard Football is the only game along with Backyard Baseball 2001 that offers online play with players across the globe. Online play is hosted through the Junior Sports Network, online play that is only available for Windows users, since the network system does not support macintosh. Since has been discontinued, no new coach names may be registered to play online. While doing online play, the player may make contact with another coach online. They may then chat with each other with only pre-written dialogue, since the network is not being monitored to make sure no innapropriate language is used. Like Backyard Baseball 2001, there are 3 modes of difficulty. Easy, Medium, and Hard. The harder the difficulty, the more likely the players out on the field are going to not make such magnificent plays to 'bail the coach out'.

Stats[edit | edit source]

The stats of a player are divided into 5 categories, each category offering a skill rating of 1 to 4, showing the players skill at a certain category.

Catching: Shows the players catching skills. A player with high catching skills is unlikely to drop an average pass, and will easily catch a lousy pass most of the time.

Throwing: Judges this players skills of the length they can throw the football, the accuracy of the pass, and the height of the ball.

Running: Shows the speed of the player, players with great speed have a better chance of being able to score a long rushing touchdown.

Blocking: Shows the players ability to block a rushing player, or how strong the player is at rushing and knocking down another blocker. A player with good blocking skills also will have a greater chance of forcing a fumble when tackling an opposing player.

Kicking: Shows either the players power when delivering a kick, or accuracy when attempting a field goal or PAT (point after Touchdown.)

Cheats[edit | edit source]

There are 2 cheats that are accountable for Backyard Football. The first one is to hear Pablo Sanchez (a Spanish-speaking player) speak in English. Like in Backyard Baseball, Soccer and Baseball 2001, a player must hold shift and enter and click on Pablo's portrait to hear him talk in English.

The other one is to have the player's team be the Tackling Dummies. The Tackling Dummies are a team of Mr. Clanky and his practice bots used by a player when they perform a practice mode. When entering a coach name, the player must enter the name in as 'Mr. Clanky'. After this, all of the league setup options and the team pickings are skipped, and the Tackling Dummies (a very solid team) are the player's team.

Backyard Football Characters

Pro Kids[edit | edit source]

There are 8 pro kids in Backyard Football. Here are their names and teams.

  • Randall Cunningham QB Minessota Vikings
  • Brett Favre QB Green Bay Packers
  • Dan Marino Miami QB Miami Dolphins
  • Barry Sanders RB Detroit Lions
  • Steve Young QB San Francisco 49ers
  • Drew Bledsoe QB New England Patriots
  • Jerry Rice WR San Francisco 49ers
  • John Elway QB Denver Broncos

References[edit | edit source]

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  1. Backyard Football
Backyard Football
4.3 / 5 - 73 votes

Description of Backyard Football

Here is the video game “Backyard Football”! Released in 1999 on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's a sports game, set in a football (american) and licensed title themes.

External links

Captures and Snapshots

    Screenshots from

Comments and reviews


zashizzle2021-04-030 point

has anyone ran BFB 2002 successfully?

bobby2021-01-240 point

does anyone know if there's any way to save progress? ISO works great, but it 'installs' the game every single time upon bootup, so I can't do a season unless I play it all in one sitting

Bratingitus2021-01-22-1 point

You don't have to use scummvm just run as administrator

EGG SUS2020-12-300 point


i love it but it takes FOREVER TO DOWNLOAD

DAve2020-12-241 point


BlueSpoon2020-11-231 point


Pablo Sanchez2020-08-303 points

You should pick me.

gmil35482020-04-021 point

Could someone who knows how to use ScummVM show me how to make this work? I downloaded what I think is the right thing but I'm not great with computer stuff, just really feeling like playing the game of my childhood.
Message me on reddit u/gmil3548 if you can help me.

ron2020-01-051 point

The game works fine. You have to use ScummVM to play it on modern computers. Just extract the iso from the zip, then extract the contents of the ISO to a folder. Install ScummVM and point it to the folder you extracted the ISO to.

Thual2020-01-02-1 point

Backyard football 2010

I can't get the sound to work. Any ideas?

DakPrescott2019-12-312 points

So everything runs fine but when I open the game again it wants to reinstall. Any suggestions?

LupusCuervo2019-12-162 points

Anyone have trouble with this download? I got it fired up, but once I started a game the screen would freeze on a corner of the field and nothing would happen. Had to close the game via Task Manager

jaybo2019-12-121 point

loved this game as a kid and just want some nostalgic memories now.

BIG NOSS2019-10-212 points


GreenBayIsForLosers2019-08-230 point

I had it work fine with ScummVM, actually, so maybe there was a problem with your download? Go Bears.

Backyard Football

PackerOwners2019-04-142 points

Will this work with ScummVM I was unable to get this to work with Scumm. I think we need a windows version to work like with Backyard Baseball.

dragontits2018-11-151 point

used to play a lot as a kid..

Backyard Football Pc

ChiefChessekau2018-09-101 point

The nostalgia is in full force

Haseeb2018-09-090 point

Very very good game

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run Backyard Football (Windows), read the abandonware guide first!

Backyard Football Games


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Backyard Football 04

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Windows Version

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